Tracking children's ankle or knee sprain recovery

How well do children and adolescents who sprain their ankle or knee recover from their injury?

St John of God Midland Public Hospital


Coordinating Principal Investigator: Dr Karen Richards

Co-Investigators: Ms Susan Brooker, Mr Kenny Kessler

Many children and adolescents attend Emergency Department (ED) with a sprain of their ankle or knee. These types of injury can lead to pain, difficulties moving around, worry and inability to take part in school, hobbies or sports. Most of what we know about healing times and the recovery  of ankle or knee sprains comes from adult studies. Many adults with sprains have ongoing problems with their ankle or knee or re-injure it soon after returning to their usual activities. However, little is known about recovery times and injury recurrence in children. 

This study aims to investigate: 1) how well children and adolescents who attend the emergency department at Midland recover from a sprain of the ankle or knee and if they re-injure their ankle during a six-month period; and 2) what medical services they access following their attendance at the Emergency Department. 

Understanding the recovery process and healthcare access for children and adolescents with ankle or knee sprains is essential for providing tailored and effective care. By addressing gaps in knowledge and advocating for improved access to services, this research seeks to enhance the well-being of young patients in the Midland area. 

This information will inform the development of care pathways within the ED, the establishment of clearer discharge protocols or new services in the Midland or East Metropolitan Health Service catchment area. 

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